This little guy was 2 1/2 weeks old, so a little older than I typically like to shoot newborns. But it worked out great because we were able to get some wide awake shots along with the more typical sleeping newborn shots.
So alert!

I love baby feet...

Colin's daddy was not too sure about having his picture taken...warning to future clients: I want to take your picture with your baby! And look...aren't you glad you did?! :)

Love the pattern of his this going to be curly hair or cowlicks?

I had the idea for this photo as I was rocking my own little baby to sleep and could see our silhouettes reflected in a picture I just need someone to take one for me!

One of Colin's canine siblings watches...

Last one of the day...Sadie hopped on the bean bag chair because she thought it was her turn! :)